
Titanium properties and it’s level of hardness

Based on its pureness and mechanical resistance, we distinguish 4 levels of medical titanium ASTM F64:

• Level 1 is no doubt the purest, but it is too ductile, so it is used only for construction of titanium membranes and grids for guided tissue regeneration. If made thin, it is malleable, ductile and it can be cut with regular scissors.

• Level 2 contains some components that render it more resistant, but it is generally considered still too tender for endosseous implants. The risk in using Level 2 is not that the implant could break, but that the edges of the hexagon connection could in time become rounded off, therefore resulting in the weakening of the connections which could decrease the mechanical resistance of fastening passing screws.

• Level 3 is even more resistant. It has two basic properties: pureness and mechanical resistance to stress, which make it an excellent material for implants.

• Level 4 contains binders in greater percentage, which grants better mechanical resistance.

• Level 5 is alloyed with 6% of aluminium and 4% of vanadium, therefore, it is not pure titanium.

• Level 23 or Ti6Al-4V ELI is a combination of high resistance, lightness and toughness. It is used in biomedicalapplications and aerospace components.

TECNOMED uses Ti6Al-4V ELI (Level 23) to produce their implants.