Conometric connection implants – CONO S/CLOSE-BL


The two TECNOMED implant systems with CONOMETRICl coupling match solid bio – engeneering principles. Suited for all the bone classes, these implants present an external conical morphology, with a peculiar double implant – abutment connection, both conometric and hexagonal.

This feature gives to the implants a great reliability, with the help of a fastening screw that guarantees a perfect bacterial sealing. The KONO S neck has a micro – thread for a better grip in the cortical bone, and a switching platform, providing the due distance between the crestal bone level and the pillars closing.

The unique design of the CLOSE – BL implant is studied for the placement in some peculiarly-shaped crests, where a tapered neck is needed.


Dimension of the connection

h = length
Ø1 = max coronal diameter
Ø2 = max thread diameter
Ø3 = apical diameter

Components conometric

Components conometric

Components conometric

Components conometric


Dimension of the connection

h = length
Ø1 = max coronal diameter
Ø2 = max thread diameter
Ø3 = apical diameter

Components conometric

Components conometric

Components conometric

Components conometric

Assembly outlines

Surgical protocol