SHORT implants with internal hexagon connection


TECNOMED’s “SHORT” implant system is based on the engineering principles that allow for implants t be used on reduced ridge height in all bone classes, taking advantage, in the best possible way, of the technology available today. This way the need for sinus lifts is minimized, as are the problems that might arise from surgical procedures on bone transplants. Also this helps avoiding long recovery times bedteew the two surgical phases, which reduces overall costs of the procedures. The morphology of this implant, characterized by a flattened top, designed to minimize vertical pressure, uses the entire length of the implant as a contact surface with the bone tissue. The wide threads of and the geometry of the body of the implant are aimed to better the adhesion with the implant site and to provide a maximal primary stability. Even the longitudinal cuts serve to better the advancement of the implant when it’s being put in and also to render the repositioning of the bone tissue easier and prevent rotation of the implant.
It is necessary to use bone taps in case of compact bone D1 and D2. Appropriate extension S-IP should be used to avoid stressing the connection implant-mounter

Dimension of the connection

Platform NORMAL

h = length
Ø1 = max coronal diameter
Ø2 = max thread diameter
Ø3 = apical diameter

Components platform NORMAL

Components platform NORMAL

Components platform NORMAL

• Please note that some of the components for SHORT implants h 5 mm are different.

Assembly outlines

Surgical protocol