The two TECNOMED implant systems with CONOMETRICl coupling match solid bio – engeneering principles. Suited for all the bone classes, these implants present an external conical morphology, with a peculiar double implant – abutment connection, both conometric and hexagonal.
This feature gives to the implants a great reliability, with the help of a fastening screw that guarantees a perfect bacterial sealing. The KONO S neck has a micro – thread for a better grip in the cortical bone, and a switching platform, providing the due distance between the crestal bone level and the pillars closing.
The unique design of the CLOSE – BL implant is studied for the placement in some peculiarly-shaped crests, where a tapered neck is needed.
Assembly outlines
Guidelines for the use of drills for conical implants
These drills have the characteristic to recover the bone during the drilling (which, if necessary, can be used for bone regeneration – as autologuos bone graft). Thus, it is important to clean the cavity of the cutter to ensure an optimal cutting during the preparation of the implant site.
Note: The black marking indicates height, while the colored insert (marking) indicates diameter.