Conical implants – Bone Level


Bone Level conical implant system with internal hexagon connection is indicated in all the bone classes. It offers a wide range of fixtures to satisfy the most diverse needs for implant-prosthetic and aesthetic rehabilitation. These implants have been tested for both flap insertion technique (two-stage surgery) and flapless insertion technique (one-stage surgery). Since they have a thread that is 0,45 mm deep, they are indicated for immediate loading, as long as the fixture has excellent primary stability and a minimal length of 11,5 mm. The implant has a 2 mm hi-polished neck that ends with a switching platform, which creates a distancing dimension between the ridge bone level and the implant abutment contact.
It is necessary to use bone taps in case of compact bone D1 and D2, appropriate extension S-IP should be used to avoid stressing the connection implant-mounter.

Dimension of the connection

Platform normal

Platform large

h = length
Ø1 = max coronal diameter
Ø2 = max thread diameter
Ø3 = apical diameter

Components platform NORMAL

Components platform NORMAL

Components platform NORMAL

Components platform LARGE

Components platform LARGE

Assembly outlines

Surgical protocol

* In bone type D1 and D2 use intermediate dril